Treasures from the Archives of BYU-Idaho Replica of the
Gutenberg Bible
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Replica of the Gutenberg Bible

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Replica of the Gutenberg Bible

This is a facsimile of Johannes Gutenberg's 42 line Biblica Latina, printed in 1454-1456. The original Bible this facsimile was made from is currently located in Paris, France and is known to as the Mazarin Bible, as it was owned by Cardinal Jules Mazarin (1602-1661)

The Gutenberg Bible was the first book printed in the West using movable type The three-volume work, in Latin text, was printed in 42-line columns. Like other contemporary works, the Gutenberg Bible had no title page, no page numbers, and no innovations to distinguish it from the work of a manuscript copyist. This was presumably the desire of both Gutenberg and his customers. The Gothic type is majestic in appearance, medieval in feeling.

The original number of copies of this work is unknown; some 40 are still in existence. There are perfect vellum copies in the U.S. Library of Congress, the French Bibliotheque Nationale, and the British Library.
(Source: Encyclopedia Britannica)

Left: Detail of facsimile.

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