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Ricks Academy Pennants
Left: Ricks Academy Pennants
A collection of felt pennants from Ricks Academy, Ricks College, and BYU-Idaho.

Top to bottom:

Pennant of BYU-Idaho from 2002 commemorating the last football game at Ricks/BYU-Idaho.

Pennant of Ricks Academy from 1917 when the school colors were purple and gold.

Pennant of Ricks College from the 1930's when the school colors changed to blue and white.

Pennant of Ricks Academy from the 1920's.

Below: Fremont Stake Academy Circular (1901)
The Fremont Stake Academy (which became Ricks Academy in 1903) sent out this circular to attract people to the school.
Student Rays newspaper
Above: Student Rays1905
The first issue of the Student Rays, the Ricks Academy Newspaper.

Below: Thomas E. Ricks' Walking Stick (abt. 1900)
Thomas E. Ricks, an early pioneer of the Upper Snake River Valley for whom Ricks Academy was named, owned this beautiful cane fashioned of diamond willow.
Fremont Stake Academy Circular
Thomas E. Ricks' Walking Stick
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