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Mormon Kitabi'ndan Seçmeler

Turkish Book of Mormon
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Turkish Book of Mormon

Mormon Kitabi'ndan Seçmeler
Turkish Book of Mormon

Jacob Spori, the first principal of Bannock Stake Academy (now BYU-Idaho), was the first full-time LDS missionary to arrive and preach the gospel in the Middle East. One week after arriving in Constantinople on December 31, 1884, he baptized the first converts. The Turkish Mission was closed and reopened a few times due to political unrest. It closed in 1896 and was reopened in 1897. As the church in the area grew, so did the need for printed church materials. The Book of Mormon was published in the Turkish language/Armenian script in 1906 in Boston. Again in 1909, the mission was closed, but was reopened after World War I in 1921. Finally the mission was closed in 1951. The language used in the 1906 facsimile edition here is now largely defunct.
Jacob Spori Jacob Spori
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